xCIV Decentralized Research Institute Celebrates Google for Nonprofits Grant Approval


The xCIV Decentralized Research Institute, a pioneering entity in decentralized research, has achieved a remarkable milestone by securing approval for a Google for Nonprofits grant. This grant specifically allocates a monthly budget of $10,000 for online Google Ads, marking a significant boost in our outreach which means a significant strengthening of our reach globally.

About xCIV Decentralized Research Institute:
Based on the concept of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), our institute is committed to developing research projects without centralized control or corporate ownership.

We bring together a diverse group of scientists, researchers, engineers, educators, and experts from various sectors, fostering a melting pot of ideas and perspectives. This approach ensures our research is inclusive and innovative, and benefits humanity as a whole.

Impact of Google for Nonprofits Grant:
The approval of this grant is not just a financial endorsement; it’s a recognition of our institute’s potential to impact the future of decentralized systems and technology. The $10,000 monthly budget for online Google Ads will significantly enhance our ability to reach a broader audience, promote the popularisation of science and research, and engage with a global community interested in decentralized technology.

The xCIV Decentralized Research Institute is on an exciting path of discovery and innovation. With the support of Google for Nonprofits, we are poised to make significant strides in our mission to shape the future of decentralized technologies and contribute to a more equitable and efficient global community. Stay tuned for more updates as we harness this incredible opportunity to advance our research and outreach efforts!

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