xCIV DAO research institute

xCIV Decentralized Research Institute is a blockchain-based research and development institute that seeks to create a global network research centers.

The institute’s business model is based on the concept of a
“decentralized autonomous organization” (DAO), which allows for the development of research projects without the need for centralized control or corporate ownership

  • $250,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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Minimum amount is $1 Maximum amount is $250000 Put a valid number
Prague, Czech Republic

David Wolak

1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Make the research a priority for humanity

xCIV Decentralized Research Institute is a blockchain-based research and development institute that seeks to create a global network of decentralized research centers. The institute’s business model is based on the concept of a “decentralized autonomous organization” (DAO), which allows for the development of research projects without the need for centralized control or corporate ownership.

The entire institute is controlled by a decentralized voting system running on XRPL using the government token xCIV. This token was freely given out to supporters of this project during 2021, 2022, and 2023 by public airdrops. During these years, we were able to collect more than 7600 voters who are ready to vote and decide the future course of the research institute.

But before we reach this milestone, we need to establish a trust where the sole executor of the results of the decentralized election will be the trustee of the trust. This will also guarantee that the xCIV decentralized research institute will be financially sustainable and the funds will be used to fund research and any profits to buy back xCIV government tokens as a whole institute will remain non-profit.

A trust of such an undertaking is very complicated and needs to be actively nurtured, hence the initial costs of setting up and further administration are high. However, given the nature of this project and the protection of the assets for the long term, this is absolutely necessary.

For this reason, we are asking for support where the aim is to raise sufficient funds to establish the Trust. Any surplus will be used to increase the capital of the research institute.

More info on www.xciv.net

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